New industries from new places : the emergence of the software and hardware industries in China and India / Neil Gregory, Stanley Nollen, Stoyan Tenev -- World Bank, 2009.(請求記号:AECC/384/N3)
中国とインドの情報産業 / Neil Gregory, Stanley Nollen, Stoyan Tenev著 ; 村上美智子訳. -- 一灯舎, 2010.(請求記号:AA/384/C5)
参考資料:New industries from new places : the emergence of the software and hardware industries in China and India / Neil Gregory, Stanley Nollen, Stoyan Tenev -- World Bank, 2009.(請求記号:AECC/384/N3)
中国とインドの情報産業 / Neil Gregory, Stanley Nollen, Stoyan Tenev著 村上美智子訳. -- 一灯舎, 2010.(請求記号:AA/384/C5),